Ecumenical Relationships Locally and Globally

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. Jesus, John 13:35

Jesus’ Community. 

Obviously, there are other local Jesus communities beside the people of Common Ground Church. There is unity with those communities around Jesus as Lord and Savior, but diversity in each denomination’s nuanced theological and biblical perspectives and practices. In fact, there are some passionately held perspectives/assumptions that create serious disagreements between certain Christian faith communities that will doubtfully find resolution on this side of heaven.

Still, our posture is to find resonance and unity with other local communities of Christian faith regarding Jesus as Messiah from an orthodox understanding of the Biblical witness and ecumenical creeds.

You are encouraged to check out our brothers and sisters in Christ at:  Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish, Lodi First Presbyterian Church, Lodi United Methodist Church, and Lake Wisconsin Evangelical Free Church, Dekorra Lutheran Church, and Prairie Valley Christian Center.

One oft-quoted slogan by congregations in communicating the desire for unity with others is, “In essentials unity; in nonessentials liberty; in all things charity.”

Respectfully, this is Common Ground’s posture on relating to other Jesus’ communities and may or may not represent the perspective of the other congregations listed. God will sort out in heaven what we cannot now on earth, but, we still pray, “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

We dream of the day when… “at the name of Jesus, every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Inter-Religious Relations.